How Do You Spray Paint uPVC Windows and uPVC Doors?
Over time uPVC painting has become standard practice. Previously people would of just replaced old or new uPVC windows and doors if they wanted to change their colour. It has become a lot easier to have your uPVC Windows and Doors spray painted at a fraction of the price of replacing the units. We would normally recommend using a professional company and we are always happy to provide you with a no obligation quote for spray painting your uPVC Windows, Doors, Conservatories, Garage Doors, Fascias, Gutters and Soffits. Have a look at our uPVC Paint colour chart and get an idea of what colours you like.or contact us for a no obligation quote
uPVC Painting Preparation :- This key to successful uPVC painting
So the first step is always to make sure you clean the uPVC properly removing any lose dirt and residue cleaning away any muck and grime that will have built up over the years. We can abrade the surface very lightly to leave uPVC frames with a key to make the paint adhesions stronger. We then use a specialist cleaning solution to Carefully to remove any extra dust so we leave the plastic frames ready for uPVC Painting. We will also if needed re seal the window and door frames correctly to give a more polished finish when spray them.
Masking Off :- What is Masking Off?
This in the Spray painting world is the act of protecting the walls, glass, floors and brickwork from any potential overspray. We use MASKING PAPER which is specially adapted for auto body painting and building painting. Masking paper will help to protect any areas that are NOT to be painted from paint splatter or in our case from uPVC Paint overspray. These masking papers offer an excellent protection against uPVC paint because it has a very low amount or pores in the paper. The paint sticks to the paper and will not pass through it. Masking paper is very strong and durable so we can use it to cover complex patterns and all surrounding areas which means we can protect and paint large and small areas safely and completely.
Masking paper can be used with all types of adhesives as well as all types of tape. We use Masking paper and masking tape to adhere it to the walls so this will ensure when we remove the tape no damage or marks are left.
How Do I use a Spray Gun and Spray Painter?
Spray painting is normally something that you will learn over years and needs lots of practice as well as can be dangerous if you for example inject yourself with paint, which can technically be deadly.  This one of  the reasons why we would recommend using a professional company to ensure no harm, damage or mistakes are made. We are always happy to provide quotes for Specialist uPVC Painting for residential or commercial customers and can paint uPVC Windows, Doors, Conservatories, Garage Doors, Fascias, Gutters and Soffits.
Just so you know how someone would actually use Spray Gun and Spray Paint – Here is a simple explanation.
Always stir the uPVC paint well, then generally you would strain the uPVC Paint  it to prevent against clogging in the spray gun tip or any of spray gun filters. Clogging is one of the biggest issues a spray technician will have to deal with on a daily basis.
Using a spray gun is tricky but the best way we find is to move the gun before you even start spraying and keep the spray gun moving in slow, long and straight strokes and stay the same distance away from the item to be sprayed. Spray guns apply paint very quickly, as we want to apply smooth even coats we would generally moving the spray gun at the same pace as you would normally use a roller. It is best practice to Overlap each stroke or pass of the spray gun with half the width of the sprayed area coverage to ensure against  leaving stripes or and lighter areas.
A lot of Spray technicians recommend starting from the corners and spraying any protrusions first then you can move onto the large, flat areas. They normally recommend to Spray corners with vertical strokes aimed towards the corner. When spraying  corners your would Move a little quicker than normal, especially on outer corners as to avoid overloading the edges with paint.
After you have sprayed each area, take a look for any spots or blemishes in the finish. If you find any then you touch them up, making sure that you use slow steady strokes. We would normally recommend at least 3 coats for most uPVC windows, doors, conservatories, gutters, fascias and soffits.  This will give plenty of time to cover any imperfections and guarantee complete coverage so we have a clean finish. Most spray guns have what is called a  tip guard to help protect you from injecting yourself with paint.
Health and Safety
Whether you are spraying indoors/ internally or outdoors externally you would normally wear Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE).
There are 2 types generally a full mask and a half mask respirator.
A full mask respirator is as it the name suggests a mask that fits your full face and is normally used when spraying indoors and with limited ventilation.
A half mask respirator is again as its name suggests a mask that fits half your face, generally your mouth and nose and should be worn when using a spray gun with adequate ventilation and when spray painting outdoors.
Here is more information regards to Spray Painting Health and safety from the HSE Â Health and Safety Executive